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Morning news crew taking a Zip Trip to Manchester

FOX25 Morning News is Zip Tripping to Manchester on Friday, June 13! Students, parents, teachers, staff, and Manchester residents are invited to join the live broadcast at Livingston Park between 6am and 10am. Enjoy free munchkins, coffee and free product samples. Everybody who wants to share their Manchester pride are encouraged to be part of the audience. Special guests and features that celebrate the unique qualities of Manchester will be highlighted. Plus, there will be a special presentation to Manchester School District by the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism.

Features Include:

Taste of the Town: Local restaurants, cafés or bakeries demonstrate savory dishes and sweet treats!
Home Town Team: A salute to a youth or senior team ranging from baseball and soccer to the local running club!
Zip Trip Trivia: VB tries to stump a special guest with town trivia.
Home Town Hero: Meet the local hero who helps out whenever needed! We'll feature a resident who's making a difference.
On the Market: Why is Manchester a great place to live? Preview homes in three price points and hear about schools, services and recreation.
Firehouse Fridays: Manchester’s finest will be honored for all they do.
Talk of the Town: Every town has one – the local character in Manchester. 
Zip Trip Fan of the Week: We'll pick someone from the crowd as our Fan of the Week.
High Speed Deal: On-site scavenger hunt game for Zip Trip attendees.
Zip Trip Jr. Reporter: We'll select a young viewer from the crowd to help us with a few reporter duties.
Kids’ Fun Zone: Bouncy house and children’s activities.
Town Tour: VFOX25 Meteorologist and New Hampshire native Shiri Spear checks out Manchester’s best eats, must-see attractions, hidden gems, and little known landmarks!
Morning Warm-up: Rise and shine with a few morning exercises.  


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