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Dunkin' Donuts donation enhances learning at Weston

Weston School Media Center
A recent donation from Dunkin’ Donuts is giving teachers a new way to enhance learning at Weston Elementary School. With $15,000, the school purchased 25 classroom media centers, which include a television monitor, Chromebook and Chromecast streaming device.
This is the third school year that Dunkin’ Donuts has stepped forward with a large financial contribution to Weston. For 2012-13, $10,000 paid for personal books for students and 16 new computers for the school. In 2011, $25,000 covered the cost of books and 35 iPads with apps.

“Dunkin’ Donuts has been a wonderful community partner for our school,” said Liz MacDonald, principal of Weston Elementary School. “We are grateful for the company’s generosity and the opportunities for learning the donations have given our students.” 

The new media center technology allows an entire class to view whatever is displayed on the Chromebook screen. During a science lesson, for instance, the students or teacher can quickly look up a photo or video online for all to see on the large monitor. Every classroom at Weston now has a media center that is easily portable and takes little set-up time compared to the projectors and overheads of generations past.
To thank Dunkin’ Donuts for its contributions to education, staff from Weston set up a media center at the company’s Hanover Street location today. Dunkin’ Donuts employees and customers had a chance to see how the technology works and hear how teachers are using it to make a difference in learning every day at the school directly across the street from the store.

“Dunkin’ Donuts is dedicated to serving the communities where we live and work,” said George Scrivanos, whose family owns the Dunkin’ Donuts on Hanover Street. “Part of that commitment is supporting education and giving children access to as many opportunities to learn as possible.”   


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