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A Message from the Superintendent

December 18, 2013

Dear Manchester Family,

Happy Holidays!   One of the most rewarding things about being a Superintendent is the opportunity to visit schools and attend special events. This time of year is always entertaining and exciting with presentations, special meals, and concerts.  If you have ever attended one these events, it is pure joy.  Gymnasiums and auditoriums are packed with family and friends abuzz with excitement.  Kids are nervous about being on stage and it’s easy to see that wearing a tie or special dress is just a little uncomfortable. Students who have cooked a special meal are so proud to share their culinary talents and soak in every compliment.  Every academic presentation by students is learning on display.  Students’ voices shake; there is an occasional nervous giggle.  And yet, their learning is so evident.  Let’s just say, the “cuteness factor is off the charts.” Who can help but smile?

Recently students from Weston and Hillside with their volunteer coaches gave a presentation to the school board as part of the Brickmaster First Lego League Competition. It was worthy of thousands of “likes” on YouTube! During their “Newscast on Channel 9” they shared their research about the preparedness of Manchester citizens during major emergency events like snowstorms and chemical spills.  They discovered that our citizens are not always aware of how to prepare and keep themselves safe when these events occur.  In working to solve the problem, they created a brochure and a public service announcement about emergency preparedness with information to educate each one of us.

Why has this team been so successful?  John Maxwell, who is well known for his study of teams, would probably cite the Law of Significance; one is too small a number to achieve greatness.  According to their coach, these students were successful because they invested time, energy, and high levels of communication. Over time they became a highly effective team and won the Judges Award for Community Outreach. This story and hundreds like it, happen in our district everyday.

Please know how important you are in improving the lives of the children in our schools.  We have enjoyed a very successful start to our school year.  Thank you for your hard work and dedication.  Because you are a part of our MSD Team, we are headed in the right direction.

I am proud and humbled to be your Superintendent.  May you and your family celebrate the holiday season with joy and peace.  From my family to yours, have a very restful and safe holiday season and a Happy New Year.


Debra Livingston


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